Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pictures Of The Past

These are some pictures of the past few days, nothing really big. I had time to post, but I kind of forgot, and seeing that it was nothing major I didn't really post anything. But here it is. We made raspberry jelly. Thats as exciting as it got until Cross Hill and what we saw today.

The dog is a boy. His name is mazele, which means like "small one" I believe. I was confused at first because it sounds like a name for a female dog, not really a male, but what do I know.

Oh, and in the picture below is a common snack here. Its like a doughnut bread circle thing. Some are really soft and have poppy seeds. These ones don't.

This is a bunny. Its funny because about 10 minutes later Asta comes in with this bowl full of bloody meat, and says, "It's a bunny." and I'm like "You mean like the bunny I saw 5 minutes ago?!?!?" and she's like "Hahaha, no." But I haven't seen this bunny recently, so I'm not too sure. And I cautiously ate strange meat today. I'm hoping it wasn't bunny.

This is jelly. (After looking through I realized some might mistake this for bloody bunny, so I decided to label this. But really. Its jelly.)

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