Friday, June 28, 2013

I'm In Vilnius

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for their interest in my blog and continued support. We have reached over a thousand views (1,000) (I can't even count up to 200 without getting distracted!)
I really wasn't expecting anything, so getting this much feedback is really uplifting! So thanks!

I'm officially in Vilnius right now with my Aunt. 

Here are pictures from yesterdays bus trip, which was about 2 hours long but felt much longer.

 Of course the window across from me looked absolutely flawless, and I ended up with this:

My grandparents purchased me this ring from Vilnius. As many of my close family (and friends) know, I had a ring I got from there a few years ago (when I last went), that I just never took off. Then one day BAM, and some of its little jewels were missing, and I was like, well its awkward to still wear it, so I hid it in the pockets of one of my old winter coats that is now in the attic.

Without the ring, it was weird because I would keep expecting some sort of pressure to be on my index finger. When my grandparents (well mainly my grandmother), insisted that I get a necklace or bracelet or whatnot, I got a ring.

This is at Vilnius. Meet Koksas the dog. He has yet to bark at me.
At dinner last night he kept jumping on me (for food), and then I felt breathing on my neck and turned around to find him on the chair behind me peering over my shoulder.

My Aunt cooking dinner.

 This is like the best slicer ever. You open the green thing, put a big chunk of pepper or onion or whatever and then just press down, and voilà, you've got it sliced. Beats just cutting it by a million. On it it says "Genius", and I mean, it is.

I am really really upset about this. So America thought kinder eggs were hazardous because it was a chocolate egg with a toy inside. Apparently people have mouths big enough to stuff the entire egg inside, and swallow without chewing.

So Kinder decides to change somethings, and they fail. It is pretty awful. I admit, the design it pretty cool, but the chocolate is different. Why would you change the formula?!

 NO. We DO NOT accept you.

This is the most AMAZING mall in the history of malls. Its called Acropolis.

 A C R O P O L I S

This mall has everything from grocery stores to hardware stores, to AMAZING dinner/lunch places, and just a fancy shmancy mall.


AND a shop that only needs ONE LINE to be my name (the line on the o to make an a).

This aquarium tank in the grocery store in the mall is a lot bigger, it extends even more to the left.

For my drink I chose this. Its pretty packaging fooled me. I learned my lesson. Dont judge a book by its cover finally sinks in. I thought, strawberry cola, yum. Then, "okay its alright", then after a couple more sips, "I don't think I can finish this." Out of ten? Three point nine.

My aunt chose this. And I tried it. And its by far the best thing I have drank here my entire trip. It receives a point higher than whatever I told you guys that Pepsi was. Which is like what, an eight?

This is one of the entrances to the restaurants in Acropolis.

My aunt again:


1 comment:

  1. I love kinder eggs! We used to get them all the time until the US stopped importing them. Stupid american rules. We called them kinder jajcke.


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